Citizens Commission on Human Rights

Australian National Office

Young distressed Australians put at ultra- high- risk of stigma by $33m pre-psychosis drug research

Dr Martin Whitely

Psychiatrist Patrick McGorry’s Orygen youth mental health research organisation has been given a $33 million grant to be used in his crusade to identify young people who are “at risk” of developing psychosis and so treat them now. This is akin to looking in a crystal ball to determine the future. Prof. McGorry’s Headspace youth mental health centres  Evidence Summary: Identification of young people at risk of developing psychosis, reveals that 82 to 90% of youth who are “at risk” of psychosis will not become psychotic within one year. Approximately 1,000 Australian youth will be recruited for this trial and the result can only be that more youth are prescribed potentially dangerous psychiatric drugs.

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