Citizens Commission on Human Rights

Australian National Office

Psychiatric Drugs and Violence Report

Psychiatric Drugs and ViolenceCCHR Australia’s National Office has released a report titled, Psychiatric Drugs and Violence.

The report recommends:

That the Therapeutic Goods Administration must require drug manufacturers add a prominently boxed advice at the beginning of the Consumer Information sheet and on medication containers stating: “You are encouraged to report adverse drug reactions to the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Log onto www. or call 1-300-134-237 .”

That mental health education require consumers be fully informed of all dangers and risks of psychiatric drugs, including the potential to induce violent and suicidal reactions. Governments should hold hearings into the relationship of these drugs and violence/suicide.

Implementation of full blood and tissue toxicology testing for psychiatric drugs for anyone who commits a homicide or serious violent crime, with a police database maintained on the findings and information shared with the TGA.

That funds allocated for mental health services should also provide facilities to assist consumers to safely withdraw from prescribed psychotropic drugs, with additional funds provided for workable, non-drug, non-harmful therapies, giving consumers the right to the least restrictive alternative and safer medical choices.

Read the report here.