Citizens Commission on Human Rights

Australian National Office

Take Action

It is the states and territories who will fund and implement this mass mental health screening of Australian children under 5 years old.

Help prevent the implementation of mental health screening of very young children in Tasmania.

Mt Wellington, HobartPhone, email, write or visit your Premier, Health Minister and local Member of Parliament and:

1 Advise them that while there is no doubt some children do need help, mental health screening of under 5 year olds is not based on science, will put more children at risk of potentially dangerous psychiatric drugs and request they do not support funding or implementation of the screening in Tasmania.

2 Advise them of the proposed “Head to Health kids mental health centers” for 0-12 year olds and request they do not support the establishment of them or provide any local state funding for them.

3 Ask them to take action to ensure existing funding in Tasmania is re-directed to programs proven to help children and that don’t harm.

Premier: The Hon Jeremy Rockliff, Executive Building, 15 Murray Street, Hobart TAS 7000 ⬥ Email:⬥ Phone: (03) 6165 7650

The Leader of the Opposition: The Hon Dean Winter MP, Shop 86, Channel Court Shopping Centre, Kingston, TAS 7050 ⬥ Email: ⬥ Phone: (03) 6212 2127

Minister for Health: The Honourable Jacquie Petrusma MP, Level 5, Salamanca Building,  4 Salamanca Place,  Hobart, 7000 ⬥ Email: ⬥ Phone  (03) 6212 2191

Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing: The Hon Roger Jaensch MP, Level 5, Salamanca Building,  4 Salamanca Place,  Hobart, 7000 ⬥ Email: ⬥ Phone  (03) 6165 7670

Shadow Minister for Health, Mental Health & Wellbeing: Ella Haddad MP, 184 Collins Street, Hobart, 7000 ⬥ Email: ⬥ Phone  (03) 6212 2217



Legislative Council HERE
Legislative Assembly HERE
